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These solutions contain proprietary technology providing the ability to detect and manage known vulnerabilities as well as use fuzzing to detect anomalies and penetrate systems with new and unknown flaws. It uses well-known suggested settings and configurations from NIST, DISA, and others to ensure systems are configured to be as secure as possible. CanSecure has an extensively written API allowing the integration of our signature penetration Testing and vulnerability scanning software with third-party software solutions. The CCG-designed humanoid artificial intelligence is used to perform system administrative duties involving configuration setup and adjustments, fault correction and extending system scanning, penetration testing, Red, and Blue Team exercise capabilities of devices.

CanSecure provides auditing that follows various leading standards for compliance (NIST, PCI-DSS, CAESARS) and ensures configuration checks and settings comply with industry standards (NIST, DOD-STIG, SCAP). It uses standard risk assessment scoring (NIST – CVSS) and reporting to help identify and prioritize the resolution of vulnerabilities.

CanSecure is configurable to audit single systems and can scale out to the enterprise and integrate with CheckMate.


  • Advancements to the scanner increase reliability, security, and scalability
  • Auto Management of the scanner including configuration and adjustments of discovered, monitored, and managed devices
  • Active Device Detection (auto-discovery) implemented for systems and services
  • A passive Network Scanner investigates communications on the wire and reviews issues, providing expanded analytics
  • Updated settings & configuration interface easily allows the admin oversight of Phen.AI, the humanoid intelligence and security discoveries within the entire CanSecure solutions.
  • OS  Security Updates for all software solutions. (OLE 8, Puppet, PostgreSQL, and more)
  • SLA and NeTERS capabilities (Cloud Analytics and Network IDS) and HIDS integration provide protection of devices which allow a window to the enterprise as a whole
  • Includes capabilities from both software sets to help secure our system, and provides insight into network security events
  • Discovered events can be host-based or network activity-based that identify problems in the enterprise

It provides auditing that follows various leading standards for compliance (NIST, PCI-DSS, CAESARS) and ensures configuration checks and settings comply with industry standards (NIST, DISA-STIG, SCAP). It uses standard risk assessment scoring (NIST CVSS) and reporting to help identify and prioritize the resolution of vulnerabilities..